Monday, November 23, 2009

dinner time...

Did I tell you that mondays are not my favorite days of the week ? But then again, it's a useful day to do most of the shopping for food for the coming week.
A good list to make is one that starts with the products you find once you enter your supermarket. My supermarket starts with the coffees and sweets... then the teas and jams follow, so when I write my list I always visualize the different sections, so I don't take up more time then I have to . Next is the grocery shop for the fresh products and I try to plan ahead for the next three days when it comes to cooking.
Since I like to shop for food..I will visit the market again on wednesday.. This way I'll have supplies until friday..
I will make a list soon, to show you how you can organize your week like this and you'll see that you can do all this stress free and with a smile on your face !
Tonight is my night off when it comes to cooking.. we'll go out for dinner, so that's easy..
Will let you know how the food was..
with love,

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